Dementia, can be defined as deterioration in mental ability which can interfere with daily life main symptoms could be forgetfulness. According to a survey conducted in 2010, worldwide Approx 35.6 million people living with dementia, which might expectedly double every 20 years to 65.7 million in 2030 and 115.4 million in 2050. most common type of dementia is Alzheimer’s which is 60 to 80% percent of cases. In dementia two of the following core mental functions could be significantly impaired;
Communication and language
Attention and calculation
Visual perception
It needs a detailed and carefully medical history, physical examination, laboratory test to diagnose a person is having dementia. Moreover, to identify typical changes in thinking behaviour and day-to-day functioning CT scared and MRI would be required. For treating dementia it’s very important to identify the cause. Mostly in case of progressive dementia no cure or treatment can slow or stop at progression. there are some drug treatments available which can improve or alleviate symptoms of dementia don’t know treatment approach good sound stop dementia, this can only Slow Down.
Age and genes are some of the risk factors but researchers are trying to explore the impact of some other risk factors like a brain health which might help in prevention of dementia. Some researchers are paying more attention on risk reduction and prevention particularly on cardiovascular factors, diet and physical fitness moreover some strategies could be used to protect our brain as we used to protect your heart like regulating blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar smoking in maintaining a healthy weight. According to recent researches healthy eating pattern and balanced diet may also help protect the brain. Healthy diet may include red meat, whole grains, , fruits, fresh vegetables, nuts, olive oil and healthy fats.
Caregivers need to understand that dementia is a chronic illness with progressive deterioration and patients need to be properly cared with special emphasis on their health including hygiene, diet and physical safety of patients.