MGF Strategy Event ’Building collaborations and partnerships’
The Manchester Global Foundation (MGF) proudly hosted its strategic event, ‘Building Collaborations and Partnerships’ on October 25, 2024 at its London office in Aldgate Tower.
Using a Theory of Change approach led by Dr. Rakhshi Memon, Director of MGF, and Dr. Iqbal Thaheem, Head of Policy at MGF, the event aimed to foster meaningful dialogue and plan the focal areas for MGF for the next five years.
The event brought together MGF trustees, key consultants, and policy influencers, both in person and online. The day-long event featured discussions and breakout sessions designed to strengthen the approach, and way forward for MGF. Dr. Samina Matin, Chairperson of MGF opened the event highlighting the work being done by MGF so far and the need for a sustainable vision. Dr. Memon emphasised the importance of clearly mapping out the pathways from activities to outcomes.
The participants engaged in collaborative exercises and discussed best practices for applying the Theory of Change. Dr. Thaheem guided the policy-focused segment of the event and presented a roadmap for MGF for the next five years. The participants left with actionable knowledge, including the need for alignment of MGF with the sustainable development goals.