Division of Child And Adolescents Mental Health

The childhood and adolescent are critical stages of life for mental health development that requires special attention of mental health professionals. Pakistan is a low middle-income country where child and adolescent’s mental health has not received due attention. In Pakistan dilemma is that adult psychiatric and mental health resources are limited while the child and adolescent psychiatric and mental health facilities makes only 0.01%. The situation is same with reference to the availability of child psychologist, and other trained special education professionals. Considering the burden of mental illness, the child and adolescent group from Pakistan Institute of Living and Learning is aiming to address these problems and building capacity in early career researchers. PILL has conducted several interventions based parenting programs to enhance child cognitive, emotional and social development. Presently we are planning for ‘Child and Adolescents Psychiatric Morbidity Survey’ and’ Biopsychosocial origins of depression among adolescents in Pakistan (HOPE-PK)’. PILL has also developed a 6-month certificate course of ‘Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services’ and has successfully completed its two batches.


Conducting research, synthesizing evidence, and raising awareness about child and adolescent mental health and well-being to fill research gaps with practical implications.


  • To develop research evidence in the area of child and adolescents mental health
  • To monitor research trials, its conduct and progress
  • To provide training, and building capacity and capability
  • To increase awareness about health and wellbeing of child & adolescents

Events & Updates


  • Doing research to find burden of mental health problems in child and adolescents
  • Developing and adapting culturally appropriate evidence based interventions
  • Building capacity of researchers and academic scholars through training and education.
  • Monitoring child and adolescents mental health research studies progress within PILL
  • Monitoring progress of papers and publications within organization
  • Working with local and international partners to strengthen collaboration and conducting awareness raising programs and activities in wider community.
  • Dissemination of study findings.

Role and Functions:

The group will be comprised on academics, researchers, mental health experts and potential members from local and international partner organizations. The chair may invite other potential members to attend meetings when required.

Voting membership

  • Prof. Zainab Zadeh (Chairper)
  • Rabia Fahad (Lead)
  • Dr. Azam Tahir
  • Dr. Silsila Sherzad
  • Zahra Nigah
  • Usman Arshad
  • Mueen Abid
  • Mariam Riaz
  • Sana Azam
  • Amna Khan
  • Mansoor Ahmed
  • Atta-ur-Rehman
  • Madeha Ashfaq
  • Zainab Fatima

The minimum quorum for a meeting will be 50% of appointed members. No decisions will be taken at any meeting unless a quorum is present. All members will attend at least 70% of the meetings to be part of this group.

2.2 Accountability

Members of this group are accountable to the chair for the roles, functions and workstreams mentioned above in the ToR, and are responsible for meeting organizational standards and policies. This group is accountable to senior management of the organization.

2.3 Minutes & Meeting Papers

All action notes from meetings will be taken by a volunteer member nominated by the chair. Detailed action notes with attachments, will be circulated to all core team members following each meeting.

2.4 Frequency of Meetings

Meeting will be held weekly via online platform.

2.5 Review of ToR

The ToR will be reviewed on an annual basis, or earlier if necessary by the chair and members of the group.

Trainings and Workshops

Projects Related to Children and Adolescents

Multicenter RCT to evaluate the clinical and cost effectiveness of a youth culturally adapted manual assisted psychological therapy (Y-CMAP) in Adolescents Pakistani patients with a history of self harm https://pill.org.pk/y-cmap/

Suicide Prevention by Empowering Adolescents in Pakistan (SEPAK): A Feasibility Study for Research Capability and Trial Readiness in Pakistan https://pill.org.pk/campaigns/sepak/
Mindfulness https://pill.org.pk/neuro-dev-child-adolescent/

  • Implementing low-cost Learning through Play (LTP) Plus group Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) for mothers of young children (0-3 years) in Gadap Town (Roshni-2)
  • Feasibility Trial of Learning through Play (LTP) in My Own Way Plus Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) as Parent-Based Intervention for Depressed Mothers with children having Intellectual Disability (UMEED)
  • Building Resilience Against ViolencE (BRAVE): A Parenting Intervention for mothers and fathers with post-traumatic stress symptoms.

Division Publications


Our Blogs


BURNS Winter Roadshow Event in Quetta

BURNS Prevention Programme with School Children

SUD Awareness Event at Nawabshah

Child Labor Day Peshawar

Meet the Team

Prof. Zainab Zadeh


Rabia Fahad


Dr. Azam Tahir

Dr. Silsila Sherzad

Zahra Niggah

Usman Arshad

Mueen Abid

Mariam Riaz

Amna Naureen

Mansoor Ahmed

Atta ur Rehman

Madeha Ashfaq

Zainab Fatima