CEI Plan Dissemination Session Held with Blue Veins

The Community Engagement Involvement (CEI) group from the Ishrat Hussain Pakistan Institute of Living and Learning (PILL), recently held an online meeting on 26 April with community based research organisation namely ‘Blue Veins’ (BV) Peshawar . An interactive presentation was delivered by WS 5 lead Mian Atiq who introduced CEI objectives, vision, framework, and CEI model for low-& middle-income countries (LMICs).
The session was organized by Workstream 5 of CEI as part of its CEI plan dissemination activity with community working research stakeholders. Mian Atiq was assisted by Umair Ahsan and Shafqat Ali. Blue Veins team was led by Mrs. Sana Ahmed the programme Manager.

The CEI plan was highly appreciated by representative of the BV and regarded it as the innovative approach to community engagement & Development .

BV Mrs. Sana expressed its keen interest in developing future collaboration and networking with CEI on related community engagement projects and Research.